30 Day Journey
5 posts
Introduction - 30 Day Journey
30 Day Journey
The 30 Day Journey is designed to help you become more organized leading to greater productivity.
1 min read
Week 1 - Creating Your MasterList
30 Day Journey
Masterlist 101 will help you understand what a masterlist is and how it affects your productivity.
3 min read
Week 2 - Plan Everything
30 Day Journey
Planning 101 is your introductory on how to use planning in the productivity process.
2 min read
Week 3 - Living The Life
30 Day Journey
Lifestyle 101 will introduce you to the principles on how to live a productive life.
2 min read
Week 4 - Learning to Rest
30 Day Journey
Tranquility 101 is an introduction to the importance of Rest and its value in productivity.
2 min read
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